Health Tips

1. Berries for your belly.
Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol – the antioxidant compound found in red wine that has assumed near mythological proportions. Resveratrol is believed to help protect against heart disease and cancer.
2. Curry favour.
Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect and make you feel good after exercising. But go easy on the lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants.
3. Cut out herbs before ops.
Some herbal supplements – from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic, ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause increased bleeding during surgery, warn surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all medication, including herbal supplements, at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your surgeon about your herbal use.
4. I say tomato.
Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads.

The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce your risk of asthma andchronic lung diseases. Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week or a tomato every other day.

5. Eat your stress away.
Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves.

Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas boosts the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.

6. Load up on vitamin C
We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!
7. Pure water.
Don’t have soft drinks or energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay properlyhydrated by drinking enough water during your workout (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous). While you might need energy drinks for long-distance running, in shorter exercise sessions in the gym, your body will burn the glucose from the soft drink first, before starting to burn body fat. Same goes for eating sweets.
8. Do your weights workout first.
Experts say weight training should be done first, because it's a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you're fresh and you have the energy you need to work it.

Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you're weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.

9. Burn fat during intervals.
To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results
10. Asthma-friendly sports.
Swimming is the most asthma-friendly sport of all, but cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing and walking are also good, according to the experts.
1. Grow beautiful hair with garlic.
Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of its high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound similar to that found in onions, which werefound to effectively treat hair loss. Rub sliced cloves of garlic on your scalp, squeezing as you go for the most benefit. You can also infuse oil with garlic and massage it into your scalp.
2. Garlic clears acne.
It might not be a main ingredient in your drugstore acne medication, but garlic makes a great natural remedy to banish unsightly blemishes. Its antioxidants kill bacteria, so rub a sliced clove of garlic on the pimple for an effective topical treatment.
3. Garlic prevents and treats colds.
Packed with antioxidants, your immune system could benefit if you give it a constant boost of powerful garlic in daily recipes. If a cold does sneak by, try sipping garlic tea: steep chopped or minced garlic in hot water for several minutes, then strain and drink. You can add a bit of honey or ginger to improve the taste.
4. Soothe psoriasis with garlic.
Since garlic has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it could be useful in relieving uncomfortable psoriasis outbreaks. Try rubbing a little garlic oil on the affected area for smooth, rash-free skin.
5. Control your weight with garlic.
Garlic could help you control your weight, according to nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who cites a study that showed mice eating a garlic-rich diet reduced their weight and fat stores. Try to cook with garlic daily for tasty and waist-friendly meals.
6. Keep away mosquitoes with garlic.
Scientists aren't sure why, but mosquitoes don't seem to like garlic. One study in India found that people who rubbed a garlicky concoction on their arms and legs weren't bothered by the pesky buggers. Make a solution of garlic oil, petroleum jelly, and beeswax for a natural repellant or place cloves of garlic nearby.
1. Haven’t been feeling hungry? Eat fresh ginger just before lunch to stoke a dull appetite and fire up the digestive juices.
2. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.
3. Ginger clears the ‘microcirculatory channels’ of the body, including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up from time to time.
4. Feeling airsick or nauseous? Chew on ginger, preferably tossed in a little honey.
5. Can’t stop the toot-a-thon? Gas—oops—guess what?! Ginger helps reduce flatulence!
6. Tummy moaning and groaning under cramps? Munch on ginger.
7. Reeling under joint pain? Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties—can bring relief. Float some ginger essential oil in your bath to help aching muscles and joints.
8. Just had surgery? Chewing ginger post-operation can help overcome nausea.
9. Stir up some ginger tea to get rid of throat and nose congestion. And when there’s a nip in the air, the warming benefits of this tasty tea are even greater!
10. Bedroom blues? Try adding a gingery punch to a bowl of soup. (Psst...the Ayurvedic texts credit ginger with aphrodisiac properties).
1. Helps in digestion
Piperine present in black pepper stimulates the taste buds to signal the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid. This acid is essential to digest proteins and other foods in the stomach, which if left undigested cause flatulence, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation and acidity. The excess hydrochloric acid secreted helps in preventing these conditions
2. Helps you lose weight
Black pepper is great in aiding the proper assimilation (extraction of all the nutrients) of food. Moreover, its outer layer which contains potentphytonutrientsstimulates the breakdown of fat cells. This is the reason, why this spice ranks high among the best weight loss aids.
3. Relieves gas
Known for its carminative properties black pepper is great to relieve discomfort caused due to flatulence and colicky pain. It inhibits serotonin receptors and also has the ability to break up and expel intestinal gas (carminative effect) which makes it a good antiemetic agent.
4. Can give you clear skin
Apart from a great way to help you sweat and release all the toxins from your skin, it acts a great exfoliant. Pepper when crushed and added to a face scrub, helps slough off dead skin, stimulates circulation and helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the skin. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help keep the skin safe from infections like acne.
5. Beats dandruff
Are you finding ways to deal with dandruff? Although there are numerous products available in the market, here’s a reasonable and easily available home remedy to get rid of it – black pepper powder. Because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this kitchen ingredient acts as a great natural aid to get rid of dandruff.

Tip: Mix a teaspoonful of crushed black pepper in a cup of curd. Mix well and apply on the scalp. Leave in for about half an hour. Rinse out your hair well. Do not use shampoo at this stage. Wash your hair with shampoo the next day. Make sure you do not use too much pepper, it may cause your scalp to burn.

6. Clears up a stuffy nose and relieves cough
Due to its antibacterial properties, black pepper is an effective natural remedy to cure cough and cold. Additionally, the warm and spicyflavour of this spice helps loosen phlegm and relieves a stuffy nose.

Tip: Try sprinkling freshly ground pepper on hot soup or prepare rasam by adding black pepper to it. This will immediately loosen up the phlegm and help you breathe easier.

7. Is good for people with anorexia
Black pepper is known to improve digestion and stimulate the taste buds. Because of this property, it is well-known as a natural aid to help people dealing with anorexia (a condition where the person does not eat). Apart from this, it also helps you to regain your appetite.

Tip: If you are suffering from anorexia and looking out for some natural way, try black pepper. Adding a little pepper powder to food, will go a long way in resolving anorexia. Here are 8 facts about anorexia, the weight loss obsession you should know.

8. Helps the body use nutrients more efficiently
Black pepper is known to have properties that help enhance bioavailability. This means that it helps in the proper transport and absorption of nutrients from food. This property also helps drugs work more efficiently.

Tip: All you need to do is try to include this spice in your foods such as salads, juice, curries or even with rice, on a regular basis.

9. Is a natural anti-depressant
The next time you want to spice up your meal, use pepper. This is because, it will not only add to the flavour, but posses the potential to make you happier. The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology reported that the compound piperine in black pepper increases the cognitive function of the brain and helps beat depression. It was also found that pepper eaten on a regular basis helps the brain function properly.

Tip:Add it to your daily meal or eat it as seasoning on a salad. Pepper in any form can help make you smarter and less depressed.

1. Toothache:
Cloves provide relief from toothache and this is one of the main reasons why you will see them listed as an Ingredient in 99% of toothpastes.
2. Nausea and vomiting:
Cloves and clove oil when taken together can provide relief from Nausea.
3. Cough and breath:
Cough and bad breath can be cured by consuming cloves. These are very common problems that we all face and can be very well treated by the consumption of cloves on a daily basis. You can do this by including them in your dishes and also as refreshments at any time of the day.
4. Seasoning abilities:
Its seasoning capabilities make it very easy to blend in many dishes, beverages and desserts. It helps to provide strong flavour and aroma to the food.
5. Sinusitis:
Other benefits include overcoming sinusitis. This can be done by taking the powder of grounded cloves into your nose. This action must be done with a straw of adequate size.
6. Morning sickness:
It is a good remedy for treating morning sickness. Take around ten grains of cloves, mix them with tamarind and palm sugar and make it into a nice mixture using water. Drink this solution twice a day as an effective treatment.
7. Flatulence:
Clove is mixed with water and used in the preparation of tea to overcome flatulence.
8. Cold:
Common cold can be treated effectively by drinking a lukewarm mixture made with ten drops of clove oil and honey. Drink it twice or thrice a day..
9. Aphrodisiac:
Clove is also an aphrodisiac and its fragrance eliminates exhaustion and fatigue related thoughts.
10. Stress:
It thus soothes the senses and relieves stress in the body. Mix cloves with basil, mint and cardamom in water to make a flavoured tea. Take this along with honey to provide you relief from stress.
Skin Benefits of Cloves:
Clove oil is strong in nature and should be carefully applied. It should be diluted to as low as 1 percent before application, because direct application can burn or affect the skin. Clove oil is used by naturopaths and beauticians to treat skin conditions. Let’s have a look at the skin benefits of clove:
11. Treats and Removes Acne:

Clove oil has been found very potent for acne removal. It is to be applied topically to the affected areas. It is often blended with face packs or massage creams for application on the skin. It gives a tingling sensation when applied to the skin. The reason behind the sensation is the potent nature of clove oil. The possibility of acne spreading over the unaffected areas can be eliminated by killing off the bacteria with the help of the antimicrobial properties of the oil.

Skin conditions, such as blackheads, whiteheads, scarring, pimples and scaly skin are the signs that characterize the skin ailment known as acne. Patches and blemishes can be formed due to acne. Acne commonly happens during the adolescent stage due to hormonal imbalance.

The essential oil obtained from the clove plant flower has great purifying properties. It helps to eliminate the inflammation caused due to painful pimples. It also helps get rid of the bacteria that increase the chance of skin breakouts. Due to its anesthetic properties, it acts as a numbing agent.

To use clove essential oil for the treatment of acne, it must be added to carrier oil in the ratio 1:10, where one part is clove oil and ten parts are of the carrier oil. The reason for diluting is that clove oil irritates the skin when used in the pure form. The mixture made, as explained above, can be directly applied with a cotton swab or clean finger tip to the acne, zit or pimple. Leave the mixture till dry. It acts really fast.

12. Cures Blemishes and Scars:
It comes in handy for the removal of blemishes and scars from the skin. When clove oil is applied directly on the skin under professional supervision, it truly works as a mild chemical peel. It exfoliates the blemished or dead skin gently and makes the skin appear healthier and clearer.
13. Antioxidant Properties:
None of the other essential oils is found to have such high antioxidant properties as clove essential oil. We are familiar with the fact that antioxidants are very good for maintaining healthy skin and body. Clove essential oil is rich in minerals, such as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and Vitamins A and C.
14. Treats Rashes, Cuts and Wounds:
Clove essential oil is also used to treat rashes, scabies, stings, cuts, wounds, bites, fungal infections and athlete’s foot.
15. Offers Relief from Anxiety:
It also contributes to provide relief from anxiety and helps to induce sleep, which is once again essential for an attractive skin and great complexion. Insomnia and anxiety are the major causes of unhealthy skin. With successful control over both these conditions, one cannot fail to achieve a soft, smooth and glowing skin.

The antimicrobial, anti-fungal, aphrodisiac, antiviral, antiseptic and stimulating properties of clove essential oil make it helpful to treat a number of ailments.

Hair Benefits of Cloves:
16. Prevents Hair Loss:
Cloves or clove oil can be used to prevent hair loss. It can also be used for the purpose of thickening the hair.
17. Hair Color Refresher:
Clove tea can be used as a great hair color refresher. Apply clove tea after the coloring of the hair and shampoo is done. Always make sure to get the clove tea cold before its application on the hair. Your hair will appear full of life and fresh with just one rinse of clove tea once the shampoo is done. The clove scent also works as a perk for the refreshed hair. It makes the hair feel rejuvenated.
18. Hair Conditioner:
If one is suffering from brunette or auburn hair, the mixture of cloves with olive oil can be used as a conditioner. It assists in boosting up the fragrance and helps in color conditioning of the hair.

To prepare the conditioner, mix 2 tbsp of ground cloves and 1/2 cup of olive oil. Warm the mixture in a pan and let it heat for some time. Remember not to boil the mixture. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave it to cool off for a minimum of 3 hours. Strain the mixture into a bottle or a small jar. Before going to shower, warm some of this clove-olive oil mixture by rubbing it in between the hands. Gently rub the mixture onto the scalp and apply it to cover every part of the scalp by running your comb through the hair ends. Let the mixture set for 20 minutes after wrapping it in a shower cap. Then, rinse the oil out in the shower and rub that oil in your skin. It is recommended to shampoo twice for best results.

1. Relieves indigestion:
Pudina is packed with antioxidants and phytonurients that can work wonders for your stomach. The menthol present in pudina helps the enzymes necessary for digestion. They relax the smooth muscles of the stomach, reducing the chances of indigestion and spasms. They can also act on these muscles to activate them and help work more efficiently to carry out digestion.

Pudina is also known to calm stomach cramps and help beat acidity and flatulence. According to Ayurveda practitioners, it is also very beneficial for patients suffering fromIBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). In fact, mint extracts have been used to coat tablets meant to relieve symptoms of IBS. It helps muscles in the stomach relax and promotes overall digestion. Drink a cup of pudina tea after every meal by either boiling the leaves along with a few green tea leaves or on their own for maximum benefits.

2. Fights aches and pains:
A number of pain balms use mint extracts as the main ingredient in their products. That is because when mint extract is used on an area that is hurting, it immediately provides a cooling effect, causing the area to partially become numb. This helps in lessening the pain. Another method is to inhale the fumes of mint extract. This soothes the nerves and gives a calming feeling to the entire body. It indirectly soothes aches and pains as well as nausea associated with a headache.
3. Gives you glowing and acne free skin:
Mint has a unique property that soothes and calms itchy and infected skin. It has potent anti- inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which work wonders on acne prone skin, and is often used in a number of cleansers, toners and in some lip balms as well. The strong antioxidants present in mint leaves leaves the skin with a natural glow and rehydrate dull and dry skin. Mint has a high content of salicylic acid which helps prevent pimples, blemishes and even helps get rid of blackheads. The compounds present in mint helps in faster shedding of dull and dry skin which in turn helps avoid clogging of pores resulting in pimple free skin. Read about 6 tips to avoid pimples.
4. Helps fight oral infections:
Mint leaves are packed with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. That is why they are so great to for your oral health. It kills bacteria in the mouth preventing tooth decay, beats bad breath and keeps your tongue and teeth clean naturally. Just chew on a few leaves on mint regularly to keep dental diseases at bay. Here are top 7 ways to fight bad breath.
5. Helps relieve cough and cold:
Mint has a very strong smell that open up nasal passages and airways to allow relaxed breathing. It is also an expectorant and helps the expulsion of phlegm, when you’re suffering from productive cough. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help relieve inflammation along the respiratory tract. If you are suffering from cough, add a drop of mint extract to warm water and inhale its fumes through the mouth and push out the steam through your nose. This way mint extract passes through your throat and nose relieving both the areas.
6. Prevents allergies and asthma:
Mint contains rosmarinic acid that acts as a powerful antioxidant. This compound blocks allergy-producing leukotrienes and thus may be helpful for those suffering from allergic rhinitis (hay fever). In the case of asthmatic patients the same principle can be followed. Read more about asthma. You may read about top 8 yoga asanas to beat asthma
7. Helps relieve menstrual cramps and pain:
Since mint leaves purify the blood and have an anti-spasmodic effect on the soothe muscles of our body, it is a great remedy to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. It also relieves nausea associated with the condition. Just brew a hot cup of mint tea and sip it several times through the day. It will make you feel calmer and soother your uterus too. Read about the home remedies to relieve menstrual pain.
8. Beats morning sickness in pregnant women:
Due to the effects it has on one’s stomach, it is a great remedy for expected mothers. It helps relieve the nausea related to morning sickness by activating the enzymes necessary for digestion. Eating a few leaves or smelling the crushed leaves of mint every morning is a great way for mothers-to-be to overcome this difficult period. A warning though, mothers should be careful not to have this after the baby is born as it is known to affect lactation. Read about 5 ways to deal with morning sickness during pregnancy.
9. Boosts immunity:
Mint leaves are packed with nutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, vitamin C, D, E and small amounts of vitamin B complex. All these compounds put together improves the body’s immune system, keeping it safe from infections and inflammation. Read about 5 amazing tips to boost your immunity.
10. Beats stress and depression:
In aromatherapy mint extract is used to beat stress and rejuvenate the mind. Breathing in the fumes of mint helps relax the body and calm the mind, freeing it of stress. It releases a small amount of serotonin in the brain that also helps beat depression. If you are feeling low, add a little mint leaves or mint extract to your bath water, or use mint extract on a vaporizer to get some relief. Read more about stress. You may like to read 10 anti-stress quotes to help you calm down.
11. Helps fight cancer:
Mint has a potent phytochemical that can prevent various types of cancers. Called perillyl alcohol, the phytonutrient has shown the capability of preventing skin cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer in animal studies. Its benefits in this particular area are still under the scanner when it comes to humans. Read more about cancer.
1. They reduce heart attack risk.
Those who consume nuts five times a week have about a 50 percent reduction in risk of heart attack according to the Loma Linda School of Public Health.
2. They lower 'bad' cholesterol.
Almonds added to the diet have a favorable effect on blood cholesterol levels, according to a clinical study by Dr. Gene Spiller, Director of the Health Research and Studies Center, Inc.
3. They protects artery walls from damage.
It was found that the flavonoids in almond skins work in synergy with the vitamin E, thus reducing the risk of heart disease (Research at Tufts University).
4. Almonds help build strong bones and teeth.
The phosphorus in almonds helps make this possible
5. They provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss:
• Although nuts are high in fat, frequent nut eaters are thinner on average than those who almost never consume nuts. (Data from the Nurses’ Health Study)
• Those who ate nuts at least two times per week were 31 percent less likely to gain weight than were those who never or seldom ate them in a study involving 8865 adults. (WHFood’s article on almonds)
6. Almonds lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals.
7. They help provide good brain function.
Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, nutrients that boost brain activity and may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
8. They nourish the nervous system.
According to Ayurveda, almonds help increase high intellectual level and longevity.
9. They alkalize the body.
Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming. When your body is not alkaline enough, you risk osteoporosis, poor immune function, low energy and weight gain.

1. Moisturizing Mask Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the air into the skin and ensures it's retained it in the layers where it’s needed most for penetrating, long-lasting hydration.

Try it: Spread one teaspoon raw honey on clean, dry skin, and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.

2. Pore Cleanser The enzymes in raw honey clarify skin and keep pores clear and clean. Plus, the antibacterial properties of honey and jojoba or coconut oil also prevent bacterial buildup that can lead to skin imbalances and breakouts.

Try it: Stir one tablespoon raw honey with two tablespoons jojoba oil or coconut oil until the mixture is spreadable consistency. Apply to clean, dry skin, and massage gently in a circular motion, avoiding your eye area. Rinse with tepid water.

3. Gentle Exfoliator Honey is loaded with antioxidants, enzymes, and other nutrients that nourish, cleanse, and hydrate skin. Baking soda, meanwhile, is a gentle natural exfoliator that removes dead skin cells, allowing new cells to emerge for a radiant complexion.

Try it: Mix two tablespoons honey with one tablespoon baking soda. Splash your skin with water, then gently rub the concoction on your face or body in a circular motion. Rinse well.

4. Scar Fader Honey is said to lighten skin, and its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds help to decrease the appearances of scars and increase healing and tissue regeneration. The hydrating properties of honey and coconut oil or olive oil will also help revive skin cells, while regular, gentle massaging will increase circulation to aid skin recovery and cell turnover. Try it: Mix one teaspoon raw honey with one teaspoon coconut oil or olive oil. Apply to the affected area, and massage with the tips of your fingers in a circular motion for one to two minutes. Place a hot washcloth over your skin, and let sit until cool. Repeat daily.

5. Acne Treatment Honey contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that thwart bacteria that can lead to breakouts. Its anti-inflammatory properties will calm redness and irritation.

Try it: Apply a dab of raw honey to affected areas, and sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.

6. Bath Soak Honey's not just hydrating; its antioxidants will repair skin and protect it against oxidative and environmental damage.

Try it: Mix two heaping tablespoons raw honey with one cup hot water until dissolved. Add to a tub of warm water, and soak.

7. Cuticle Moisturizer Raw honey is loaded with nutrients and enzymes to nourish and heal skin, and it's a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture into the skin. Coconut oil conditions and protects, while the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar softens hard skin and balances pH for healthy growth.

Try it: Mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon coconut oil. Rub over each cuticle, and let sit five to 10 minutes, then rinse.

8. Hair Conditioner The enzymes and nutrients in raw honey give dull hair shine without weighing it down. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft to condition and smooth the cuticle and give your strands the luster you crave.

Try it: Mix one tablespoon raw honey with two tablespoons coconut oil. Apply thoroughly to the bottom two-thirds of damp hair, starting at the ends and working up. Let sit for 20 minutes, and rinse well.

9. Shampoo Booster The humectant properties of honey help regulate and retain moisture in hair, plus honey is said to strengthen hair follicles for healthy growth.

Try it: Mix one teaspoon honey with a dime-sized amount of your favorite shampoo. Wash and lather as normal, and rinse well.

10. Hair Highlighter The enzyme glucose oxidase in honey slowly releases hydrogen peroxide, an ingredient known to lighten hair color.

Try it: Mix three tablespoons honey with two tablespoon water. Apply to clean, damp hair, and let sit for an hour. Rinse well. Apply weekly for best results.

11. Sunburn Treatment Honey restores hydration to the deepest layers of sun-exposed skin—and both honey and aloe vera contain powerful anti-inflammatories to calm burned skin and aid recovery.

Try it: Mix one part raw honey with two parts pure aloe vera gel. Apply to sunburned skin.


1. Chronic Inflammation and Pain The journal Oncogene published the results of a study that evaluated several anti-inflammatory compounds. It found that aspirin (Bayer, etc.) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.) are least potent, while curcumin is among the most potent anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative agents in the world. (9) This means turmeric not only has great promise with chronic pain, but since it has less side effects, it may provide safe, lasting results!

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis Due to its high anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is highly effective at helping people manage rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A recent study out of Japan evaluated its relationship with interleukin (IL)-6, the inflammatory cytokine known to be involved in the RA process, and discovered that curcumin “significantly reduced” these inflammatory markers. This suggests that regular turmeric use could be a potent strategy to prevent the onset of RA from developing to begin with!

3. Depression Researchers from the Government Medical College (Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India) published the results of the first study this past April to evaluate curcumin’s ability to manage depression in a controlled setting. Taking 60 volunteers diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) and diving the group to determine how patients treated by curcumin compared against fluoxetine (Prozac) and a combination of the two, it discovered that that the principal curcuminoid in turmeric is not only as effective as Prozac in managing depression, it doesn’t carry with it all the dangerous side effects as anti-depressive drugs do. According to the paper, “This study provides first clinical evidence that cur cumin may be used as an effective and safe modality for treatment in patients with MDD."

4. Diabetes Turmeric is shown to lower blood glucose levels and reverse insulin resistance. For instance, an article published in Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications shared a study out of Auburn University that discovered curcumin suppresses glucose production in the liver. Fascinatingly, researchers proved that it’s actually 400 times more potent than Metformin (a common diabetes drug) in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). Turmeric acted as an anti-diabetic and antioxidant in diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes (12), improved metabolic function and reduced the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries of type 2 diabetes patients.

5. Cancer Recent studies show turmeric is a powerful adversary to cancer. Curcumin shows a marked ability to inhibit cancer cell growth, boost antioxidant levels and the immune system, and kill cancer cells. It seems to work on improving mitochondrial function at a cellular level, and it improves metabolism. Even against drug-resistant strains of leukemia, curcumin caused cell death of cancer cells.

6. Skin and Aging Turmeric has many healing properties for skin. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory so it reduces redness or other skin irritations. It’s antibacterial, so it’s great for blemishes, acne and skin balance. Turmeric is wonderful at improving the texture of the skin because it is an exfoliant but also rich in antioxidants. It’s a wonderful natural treatment inside and out!

7. Brain Health and Memory It’s all in your head … literally. This vital organ is the fundamental keeper of everything you’re able to think, act or dream. By taking turmeric, you can improve the oxygen intake of the brain, which helps in all of the brain’s functions and processes. Turmeric is extremely healing for the brain and for increasing memory function. Not surprisingly, when your brain functions at its best, then you increase the uptake of hormones, such as seratonin and melatonin. So, by healing the basic functioning of the brain, you can also heal other mental illnesses.


1. Want to fight diabetes naturally? With Indian quickly becoming the diabetes capital of the world, it’s no wonder people are looking for newer methods to fight the disease naturally. Well, coriander can help you. In a study published at the British Journal of Nutrition , found that the extract from coriander leaves have certain compounds that when released into the blood caused anti-hyperglycaemic, insulin releasing and insulin like activity, that helped to keep one’s blood sugar levels in check. So, add some coriander leaves to your daily meals and keep diabetes at bay.

2. Wish to lower your cholesterol levels ? Cholesterol levels or your lipid profiles are often a point of concern during a check up. And if you want to lower your cholesterol levels and keep your lipid profile looking pristine, coriander leaves are exactly what you need. Coriander leaves contain a compound called coriandrin, that helps to manipulate lipid metabolism thereby lowering your cholesterol levels. Moreover the leaves are packed with antioxidants, that also help keep cholesterol levels in check. A study published in the Plant Food for Human Nutrition found that the leaves were great in reducing the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the human body.

If all this science talk is not for you, there is some ancient wisdom attached to the benefice effects of leaves as well. According to Ayurveda, the leaves have a very potent effect on the way the body digests food and absorbs fats, making it a perfect natural drug to keep cholesterol levels under control.

3. Looking for a way to keep high blood pressure under control? If you suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure, turn to coriander for some blood pressure lowering benefits. How does it work you ask? Well, coriander has a high amount of cholinergic compounds and calcium antagonists (both components that help regulate your blood pressure) that act very well as hypotensive agents when released into the body. More over the leaf has a strong diuretic activities that help lower ones blood pressure as well.

4. Want to set your digestion on track? If you suffer from indigestion ever so often then coriander can help you with that as well. Packed with nutrients and properties that help the stomach contract and digest food efficiently . So adding some raw coriander leaves to your meal might be the best thing you could have done for your digestive tract.

5. Looking to banish that swelling or inflammation? A study published in the Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft found that dhania leaves were excellent in reducing inflammation naturally. Being an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids , omega-6 molecules, lipolotion and coriander oil (a compound that helps reduce the inflammatory response in the body), coriander was very effective in reducing swelling and inflammation in all parts of the body. So if you have a swollen legs due to arthritis or have some other form of inflammation, load up on coriander leaves for some relief.

6. Want to fight infections naturally? Coriander has a very potent antibiotic compounds and volatile oils that act as very effective antimicrobial agents. These compounds are found especially in fresh and uncooked coriander leaves and their extract. Moreover the leaves can be used to treat fungal, bacterial and yeast infections as well.

7. Have a better chance of beating cancer? Coriander leaves contain some very essential nutrients like beta carotene, vitamin C, E, ferulic, caffeic acid, kaempferol and quercertin. All of these not only provide nutrition to your body but they also act as very strong antioxidant agents that help to clean up all the free radicals in our body – the ones that are responsible for causing cancer. A study published in the Journal of Food Chemistry found that the extracts from coriander were extremely efficient and very effective in stopping the entire oxidative process – protecting you from cancer, ageing and wrinkles.

8. Give your immunity a boost? Packed with phytonutrients and vitamins, coriander is a great way to give your immune system that much needed boost. Being an antibacterial and antifungal agent in its self, coriander is exactly what you need when it comes to beating that common infection.

9. Get a good night’s sleep? The humble dhania has sedative properties. In this case not only do the leaves have the quality, but the seeds are much more potent. How it works is that the essential oils present in coriander produce a sedative-hypnotic effect on the body, calming the nerves and bringing all the chemicals into symmetry.


1. Helps reduce cholesterol According to studies fenugreek helps to reduce cholesterol level, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL).

2. Helps reduce risk of heart disease Due to the presence of galactomannan and being a good source of potassium, it counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure.

3. Helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics Fenugreek is beneficial for people with diabetes. Galactomannan, a natural soluble fibre present in fenugreek slows down the rate of sugar absorption into blood. Fenugreek also contains amino acid responsible for inducing the production of insulin. Here are 5 simple steps to control diabetes.

4. Aids digestion Fenugreek helps flush out harmful toxins. It relieves indigestion and helps treat constipation.

5. Helps counter acid reflux or heartburn One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in your food can be an effective remedy for acid reflux or heartburn. Mucilage of fenugreek seeds coat the lining of the stomach and intestine and soothe irritated gastrointestinal tissues. Before consuming, you can soak the methiseeds in water to make their outer coat mucilaginous.

6. Helps you lose weight Include fenugreek in your weight loss diet by chewing soaked methiseeds in the morning on an empty stomach. The natural soluble fibre in the fenugreek can swell and fill the stomach thereby suppressing your appetite.

7. Remedy for fever and sore throat Fenugreek when taken with a teaspoon of lemon and honey can work wonders to reduce fever by nourishing the body. The soothing effect of mucilage in fenugreek also helps to relieve cough and pain from sore throat. Here are 5 foods to relieve sore throat.

8. Increases breast milk production in lactating women Fenugreek ranks high among the ‘must haves’ for nursing mothers. This is due to the presence of diosgenin in the spice which increases milk production in lactating mothers. Here are 10 foods that can increase breast milk supply in mothers.

9. Induces and eases child birth Fenugreek has been known to be helpful in inducing childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions. It is also known to reduce labour pain. But here’s a word of caution. Excess intake of fenugreek seeds during pregnancy could put you in risk of miscarriage or premature childbirth.

10. Helps reduce menstrual discomfort Fenugreek contains compounds like diosgenin and isoflavones with oestrogen-like properties which help reduce symptoms like discomfort and menstrual cramps associated with PMS. These compounds also ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood fluctuations. Women are more prone to iron deficiency during adolescence (initiation of menstrual periods), during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Including green leafy veggies like fenugreek (methi) in your diet can supply a good amount of iron. But make sure to add tomatoes or potatoes to the preparations to enhance the iron absorption. Here are more ways to reduce your menstrual discomfort.

11. Helps slightly increase breast size The oestrogen-like property of fenugreek can help in breast enlargement by balancing hormones in women. Here are10 ways to get better breasts.

12. Helps prevent colon cancer The fibre content (saponins, mucilage, etc.) of fenugreek binds to toxins in the food and flush them out. This in turn helps to protect the mucus membrane of the colon from cancers.

13. Helps soothe skin inflammation and reduces scars Apply a clean cloth soaked in methi seed paste for effective treatment of skin problems like burns, boils, eczema, etc. Fenugreek seeds also help in getting rid of scars.

14. Helps treat skin problems Fenugreek or methi can be used in face packs to help prevent blackheads, pimples, wrinkles, etc. Washing your face with water boiled with fenugreek seeds or applying a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves for twenty minutes on your face can work wonders for your skin. Read more about methi can help treat beauty problems.

15. Can help resolve hair problems Using fenugreek as a part of your diet or as a paste to directly apply on your hair makes your hair shiny and black. Massaging your head everyday with boiled fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in coconut oil can be an excellent remedy for thinning of hair and hair fall. What more? Fenugreek is also great to keep the dandruff away.


1. Improves digestion The presence of thymol and other essential oils in cumin seeds stimulate the salivary glands thereby helping in the digestion of food. Apart from this, it strengthens a sluggish digestive system. Hence, if you do suffer from indigestion try drinking some jeera tea. Apart from that thisjeera-banana combo can help you lose weight too.

Tip: Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to a glass of water and bring it to a boil. Once the water turns brown, turn off the gas and cover the vessel. Allow the decoction to cool down to room temperature. Drink this tea three times a day to improve digestion and to help resolve minor stomach aches. If you want the tea to be a little mild, you can add some cumin seeds to a glass of boiling hot water and cover it. Let it steep and then decant the water.

2. Beats constipation Due to its high fibre content, jeera boosts the activity of the gastrointestinal tract which in turn stimulates enzyme secretion. This is why jeera powder is commonly used as a natural laxative. In fact, its laxative properties are so powerful that Ayurveda practitioners believe that it is capable of preventing and healing severe digestive disorders like piles.

Tip: To get relief from constipation, roast jeera seeds on a tawa till they turn deep brown. Now, cool them and grind them into a fine powder. Mix this powder with water or honey and consume it on an empty stomach. Another good remedy is to have some freshly prepared jeera tea.

3. Fights cancer According to the studies conducted by the Cancer Research Laboratory of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, jeera can help in the fight against cancer. This is because it contains an active compound, known as cuminaldehyde that helps in retarding the growth of tumours. However, this anti-cancer property was confined to kala jeera.

Tip: Don’t forget to add a pinch of jeera to your dal as seasoning or sprinkle few seeds over a gravy to reap its benefits.

4. Regulates blood pressure and heart rate Being high in potassium — a mineral that helps maintain the electrolyte balance in the body — this seed is an elixir for heart patients. This mineral not only helps in the regulation cell production but also helps maintain your blood pressure and heart rate. Because of its regulatory properties, jeera helps patients who have heart disease and helps prevent it as well.

Tip: You can drink a glass of jeera water early in the morning (on an empty stomach) to control your blood pressure levels.

5. Relieves asthma and cold The potent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of cumin seed, makes it a great home remedy for cold and asthma. These compounds soothe inflamed muscles and boost your immunity to fight the infection.

Tip: For relief from a cold, boil some jeera seeds (about one tablespoon) in two cups of water and add a small piece of crushed ginger to the water. Once it starts to boil, strain it and sip on this tea as often as possible. This will not only help relieve a cold but also soothe a sore throat thereby making you feel much better.

6. Helps prevent anaemia Did you know that 100 grams of jeera contains 11.7 milligrams of iron? Iron is the main component in the production of haemoglobin – a substance that carries and transports oxygen throughout our body. This is why jeera is the most natural and effective supplement for people suffering from anaemia.

Tip: It is also advisable for women to consume jeera on a regular basis to keep the disease at bay. You could just include it in your everyday meals like in roti, rice, curries, etc. Here are 5 foods you should avoid if you have anemia.

7. Improves sexual health Yes, it’s true. The humble seed can up your sexual quotient. Packed with zinc and potassium, jeera is an all-rounder when it comes to improving your performance in the bedroom. Zinc is important for sperm production and potassium maintains a healthy heart rate and blood pressure, This spice also helps deal with fertility issues and prevent conditions like ED (erectile dysfunction), PE (premature ejaculation), low sperm count and low virility of your sperm.

Tip: Drink jeera tea on a regular basis on an empty stomach and watch things steam up between the sheets, naturally!

8. Great for pregnant mothers As a seed, it acts as a wonder spice for mothers-to-be and new mothers. Its properties of relieving constipation and improving digestion greatly help pregnant women deal with pregnancy symptoms like nausea and constipation. Along with aiding in better delivery, this spice enhances lactation. Also, the high amount of iron and calcium content in the seed increases milk production without any side effects.

Tip: Pregnant mothers should mix jeera powder in milk and honey and have this twice a day.

9. Helps to deal with insomnia Can’t sleep? Maybe jeera can help. The tiny cumin seed might just do the trick for you. Jeera contains a high amount of melatonin, which when consumed with bananas increases the production of chemicals within the brain. This concoction helps beat insomnia and gives you a good night’s sleep.

Tip: To sleep well mix some freshly ground jeera powder with the pulp of a ripe banana. Eat this every night. This not only helps insomniacs naturally it is not addictive in nature like synthetic drugs.

10. Enhances memory Packed with minerals like riboflavin, zeaxanthin, vitamin B6, niacin and many more, jeera is well known for its ability to maintain and restore memory and mental health. In Ayurveda, it is often used to treat patients suffering from amnesia. While home remedies are something we all rely on in our everyday life, it is essential that you go to a trained physician if your symptoms persist or get worse.

Tip: To sharpen your memory, chew on a few roasted seeds every day.